Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New year, new man.

Rise and shine!

This morning I am writing to you from my local Starbucks, and holy heck this coffee is just what I needed. No idea where this whole blog thing is going yet, but for some odd reason I started thinking about my boyfriend and some of the past relationships I have had. For the first time in a long time I can honestly say I am 100% happy with who I am with. Sure, he has his days, just like any of us, but I think for once I am in a healthy working relationship... and I have never had more fun with anyone in my life.

So this post, is about him, and us.

The story of how we met is one I love to tell, mostly because for me it was a movie moment.
It all started at this Starbucks, which I frequent often to read.
I can still remember it clearly. OK OK, so maybe it wasn't THAT long ago, but still! It was Sunday the 28th of October, and I walked in the front door and BOOM!
There he was, in his jeans, North face jacket, with his backpack, and I for the life of me could not NOT notice him. Now, as attractive as I find him, it wasn't his looks that gave me that reaction. To this day I can't describe it, but him and I discuss it a lot, mostly due to the fact that it was the same way for him. I hate to be too cheesy, and I will not say I believe in love at first sight, but what happened in that moment is something that is a rarity. We both sort of just knew, and from that moment when he first looked at me and I at him... we were completely aware of the other in every way.
As for how long it took for him to build the courage to talk to me? That is a whole different story. I can definitely say it was not immediate. He ordered his coffee and I ordered mine, we both went over to the carafe station and how cliche, we bumped hands both reaching for sugar! Haha
It was awkward and exciting and we both had no idea how to continue.
It went on though, as he sat outside on one side of the planter, and I on the other, and while he played  on his phone, I sat and read.
The great part was watching him try to figure out how to talk to me, he didn't know it then, but I wasn't getting very far in my book. He was distracting me, mostly because he would get up and walk past me, make a loop around the place, and pass me again. This honestly went on for about 15 minutes, and I can swear he spent all that time just trying to talk to me. I wasn't making it easy for him though, now when we talk about it, he blames me for keeping my damn headphones in! This is the part that I love...
The part where he literally left...
That part actually sucked. So, just kidding, but he really did leave. I sat there, and I swear all I could think about was how I should have talked to him. I truly was disappointed. Then, before I knew it, about 30 minutes later, he came back. THAT is the part I love. He came back, and like a dork he tried to open the door to Starbucks, but nope... they were closed. He probably didn't know I was watching him, but as soon as he came back I decided to stick around a bit longer to give him another chance. That man finally did it. He walked up, asked if I was waiting for someone, and when I said no, he merely said
"We should get coffee sometime."
He didn't even ask me! He made a suggestion, and before I agreed, I went on to ask him some key things. How old he was, what he did for work, and if he had a car and his own place. I know, I am rough, but I think those are all good things to know.
He was 31, he hated to share it, but he worked at Walmart, he was a student, he had a car, he had his own place. He asked me if the age thing was weird, and all I said was
"Coffee would be great."

That was that, that was what started it all, I could go on for hours though, because the first date was amazing, the second date was amazing, and the third date was... well AMAZING. The fourth date was a sleepover (pg I swear!) and I haven't left his place since!

So that is how we met. As for how our relationship is, I couldn't be more grateful to find someone who inspires me, supports me, and motivates me. We get a lot of flack for the age difference, but I have come to learn that age is nothing other than a number, and I could care less about what others think. We are good together, our relationship is one that I feel is effortless.
I am proud of how we do things together, for example, we don't have TV or internet. It has opened my eyes as to how much of my past relationships dwindled down to merely watching TV together, and conversation went out the window. We talk, a LOT. The lack of technology in our lives has made it so we depend on entertaining each other, and we do that well. I also have found a new level of appreciation of arts and food. We cook, and do fun projects together. He has turned me back to hobbies I had long forgotten. We have paint nights together, our closet is full of brushes, acrylics, and canvases. We have a few of our masterpieces hanging in the apartment. Cooking dinner together is something I have come to cherish, it's priceless "us" time, and it is healthy not just for us, but our bodies too. We play games, uno, scrabble, trivial pursuit, and we have a blast playing them! He has also brought a new culture into my world, for he is a french major and is in love with the language and culture himself. We watch french films on the regular, listen to all types of music, as he also used to play the cello and has a infatuation with it. I guess we are different, but if I could give any advice to anyone, its to try spending a day without any distractions, really spend that time TOGETHER. I have learned so much about him, myself, and life already in this short amount of time and I can't wait to see what else we will discover! He makes me a better, healthier, and happier person, and I am blessed to have him.

After it is all said and done though... he is my best friend.
That right there is all that really matters, through tears, laughs, and grumbles, he is there, and I can only hope that everyone gets a chance to feel what I have felt from the beginning.

Till we meet again
Jaclyn Rae

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